Artists, and other Animals: new work of Joe Lee
By Hand Gallery
Exhibit Dates: June 2 – July 1, 2023
Gallery Walk Opening Reception: June 2nd from 5–8 pm
For more information please contact:
David Sloma, Gallery Coordinator at By Hand Gallery,
Artists, and other Animals: new work of Joe Lee is presented at By Hand Gallery and features the...
Rites of Spring: Sarah Pearce and Paul Smedberg
Rites of Spring
By Hand Gallery
Exhibit Dates: April 7 – May 27, 2023
Gallery Walk and Artists’ Talks Reception: Friday, May 5th, 5 – 8 pm
Artists’ Talks: It's just your imagination and Yes, and ...Improvisation in the image kitchen, Sunday, May 7th, 2 – 3 pm
Spring messes with us. After the dingy, cold, oppressive days of winter, spring rages forth with fresh abandon, m...
March Exhibit: TOYS MADE BY HAND
March 3 - April 1, 2023
Children, arguably the most important people in the world and works of art themselves, represent what is possible — they arrive in this world filled with potential and beauty. By Hand Gallery is excited to celebrate the child by presenting Toys Made By Hand. Exhibiting artists have drawn from their memories and experiences of playing with toys and making them for those t...
February Exhibit: The Pieces Are Falling Into Place: 10 Years of Wooden Puzzles by Marc Tschida
The Pieces Are Falling Into Place: 10 Years of Wooden Puzzles by Marc Tschida
By Hand Gallery
Exhibit Dates: February 3 – 26, 2023
Opening Reception: February 3rd from 5–8 pm
The Pieces Are Falling Into Place: 10 Years of Wooden Puzzles by Marc Tschida is presented at By Hand Gallery and features the hand-cut jigsaw puzzles of Marc Tschida with an opening reception on Friday, Fe...
October Exhibit: Pierce, Pull, Piece
Pierce, Pull, Piece
By Hand Gallery
Exhibit Dates: October 7–November 11, 2022
Opening Reception: October 7th from 5–8 pm
Pierce, Pull, Piece is presented at By Hand Gallery and features the stitched and felted textiles of David Joseff Sloma with an opening reception on Friday, October 7th, from 5–8 pm for Gallery Walk, Bloomington.
This current body of David Joseff...
September Exhibit: Marcy Neiditz: New Work in Clay-2022
On Friday, September 2nd, for Bloomington’s Gallery Walk, By Hand Gallery will be presenting the newest work by Marcy Neiditz who is a Bloomington, Indiana ceramic artist that makes both decorative vessels and sculptural objects. She is inspired by science, nature, biology, the microscopic world, and alien life-forms. Ideas of biological plant-like forms—coming alive, growing, and aging—occupy her...
August Exhibit: Evocative Explorations in the Realm of Glass
Exhibit Dates: August 5th–28th, 2022
Opening Reception: August 5th from 5–8 pm
Evocative Explorations: in the Realm of Glass is presented at By Hand Gallery and features the narrative glass work of Anne Simon, Christy Weezer, Frank Lewis, and Michal Ann Carley with an opening reception on Friday, August 5th, from 5–8 pm for Gallery Walk, Bloomington.
July Exhibit: From The Forest
On Exhibit: July 8-29, 2022
From the Forest features functional objects in the natural woods of Indiana.
On Friday, July 8th, for Bloomington’s Gallery Walk, By Hand Gallery will be presenting work by gallery artists in oak, maple, walnut, and cherry—the variety of Indiana hardwood that has long been an inspiration for creative woodworkers. From the Forest will feature sawn, turned, planed...
June Exhibit “Ee Oh Lay: Through the Woods”
Ee Oh Lay: Through the Woods: Presented by By Hand Gallery features the mixed media paintings and drawings by mother and son team Kay and Kurt Eagleman on Friday, June 3rd, from 5–8 pm for Gallery Walk, Bloomington.
Bloomington, Ind. — On Friday, June 3rd, for Bloomington’s Gallery Walk, Kurt and Kay Eagleman will present their recent, mixed media work in their inaugural exhibit at By...
May Exhibit: 3AM
Iron and Mixed Media Sculpture by Bert Gilbert
Exhibit Dates: May 6th–26th, 2022
Opening Reception: May 6th from 5–8 pm
For the past decade, Gilbert has built his work on the cast iron elements he produces during his intensive, annual Artist Residency at the iron casting Sculpture Trails of Solsberry, Indiana. Using recycled iron for casting, scrap and reclaimed steel on welded...