October 5th: Human


These works subtly anthropomorphize animals, placing them in vulnerable, human-like positions, to encourage a connection between viewer and subjects. Through suspending the animal in moments of tension, the artist encourages feelings of discomfort, empathy, aggression, or fear within the viewer, inviting them to question the level of understanding possessed by animals as well as their potential role in our lives.

Alexander Landerman completed his Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2-Dimensional Art with a minor in art history at the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. Having worked as a freelance artist since graduating, it has allowed him to exhibit his work throughout the United States, internationally, as well as travel for both work and artist residencies. This is the final year of his three year Masters program at Indiana University.

Opening Reception: Friday, October 5th, 5-8 PM

On Display: October 5th – November 10th