Through the process of hand-building, slip casting and throwing, Anne Beyer creates utilitarian objects, representational sculpture and abstract sculpture. She specializes in wood firing and is always trying to find the balance between material control and serendipitous trace of flame, heat and ash melt across the surface of her pieces. The firing process inspires her forms and helps guide her aesthetic choices in a playful, symbiotic way.
Anne is deeply inspired by the natural world. The local environment and landscape not only inspire forms in her wood firing works, but are the very material that she uses to create finished works. She burns local wood that releases ash and minerals that create organic colors and texture. She is a collector of seedpods, bones and stones and these organic forms are constant sources of reference for her sculptural works. Her work continues to revel itself through layers of texture and surface. She thinks of her clay works as if they are canvases waiting to be painted by fire in the kiln. This collaboration between the artist and the kiln is full of surprises and provides a level of mystery in the final works.
Opening Reception: Friday, March 1st, 5-8 PM
On Display: March 1st – 27th